Saturday, October 9, 2010

Patronising to move disabled on to dole

A disabled group says a Treasury proposal to shift 80,000 sick and disabled people on to the dole is "naive and patronising".

Disabled Persons Assembly policy manager Wendi Wicks said most disabled people wanted to work, but needed help with healthcare, transport, education and housing to get suitable jobs.

"To say that it's just about getting a job is incredibly naive and patronising," she said.

Other social lobby groups also reacted angrily to a Treasury report to the Government's welfare working group which recommends moving work-capable people off the sickness and invalid benefits on to the dole, making sole parents look for work before their children turn 6, and contracting out welfare services to private providers.


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Secretary said...

I'm glad these posts are helping you with your assignment. I don't have your email address so why don't you give it to me so I can get in touch. Or else, get in touch with our
Why don't you come to a meeting at the Avondale community centre?