Come protest Social Welfare Minister Paula Bennett's continuing attacks upon beneficiaries whilst unemployment rates are soaring!
This Monday, 7.30pm, Fickling Centre, Auckland.
No to the insurance model, no to short term benefits, no to work testing, no to benefit cuts! A living income for all! End child poverty now!
Public Meeting by Minister Paula Bennett
Monday 9th August
Mt.Roskill Electorate – MP Dr Jackie Blue Public meeting with Guest Hon Paula Bennett MP
7.30 pm Hillsborough Room, Fickling Centre, 546 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings.
Protest organised by Waitemata Unite. All welcome
The unemployment rate increased from 6.0% to 6.8% in the June Quarter, even though workers are working longer hours. 159,000 people are registered as unemployed.
But although this is caused by a crisis in their capitalist system, the National/Act Government feels no responsibility to help those who have lost their jobs, or continue to struggle on poverty benefits raising children or coping with debilitating illness.
Social Welfare Minister Paula Bennett and Paula Rebstock, Chair of the Welfare Working Group , are only focused on paying people less. They want to find the solution to their imagined problem of welfare dependency of people like single parents and the sick; and the purpose of the panel is to find ways to get people off benefits as soon as possible- but that doesn't mean finding them work-it just means punishing them if they can't find it. Paula Rebstock was the chair of the Commerce Commission from 2003 to 2009. outlines the purpose of the WWG.
National has already passed anti- beneficiary legislation which makes beneficiaries re-apply for benefits after a year, and work -tests mothers and the disabled. But this is only the start! An insurance system, if closely based on the Canadian model, would leave most beneficiares with no entitlements at all! and most of those who were would only be entitled for a matter of weeks.
Join us at the protest against Paula on Monday!
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